Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learn Programming Using Simple Projects

Learn Programming Using Simple Projects

There are a lot of programming languages nowadays. Each of them has been created for some purposes. We are not going to master all of them; we will only select a language that helps us to solve our programming problem. Nevertheless, from time to time, we may need to switch from one language to another due to change in requirement needs or environment needs. Hence, the following Simple Projects could help programmers to quickly learn new programming language in the most efficient manner.

1) Writing Hello World Program
- [hello1] Hello World Program will show a basic program code structure and output statement.

2) Writing Simple Calculator Program
- [calc1] Simple Calculator Program will help programmers to understand how to use numerical data type and operators and input statement for a specific programming language. In addition to this, programmers may want to know further the various output format for any particular programming language.

3) Writing Simple Login Program 
- [login1] Simple Login Program will help programmers to understand how to use string data type and selection control for a specific programming language.
- [login2] Adding a loop control structure .

4) Writing a Simple Contact Book Program
- [contact1] Simple Contact Book Program will help programmers to understand how to store an array of data using a specific programming language.
- [contact2] Adding modular code structure for a more structured programming style.
- [contact3] Adding external storage (data file).

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