Thursday, April 26, 2018

Accounting Program For Companies Market Ltd

Accounting Program For Companies Market Ltd

Cleantouch InventGST Reloaded is a special program for traders to inventory records, sales tax and accounts.
: Cleantouch InventGST Reloaded
: 1.1.0
: 11.4 MB
: Demo/$ 180.00
: Windows All
: Cleantouch Software Corp.
This program provides all the functionality required reports: Tax Invoice, Purchase / Sales Register / Summary, Monthly Calculation Sheet filing back and Annual Tax Summary.
Gives the user the possibility to maintain record of purchase / sales / stock in proper way. Integrated with the rest of the modules such as Net Income / Loss and Balance Sheet.
More details please read the following features:
Input Features:

   Accounts Types & Accounts Master File
   Items Categories & Item Master File
   Opening Stock
   Purchases & Purchases Return
   Sales & Sales Return
   Inventory In & Out
   Receipt Voucher, Payment Voucher & Journal Voucher
   Sales Tax Payment/Refund & F.E.D. Payment/Refund
Output Features:
   Accounts List
   Receipt Vouchers Report, Payment Vouchers Report & Journal Voucher Report
   Voucher Printout & Journal Voucher Printout
   Cash Book, Accounts Ledger, Accounts Ledger Summary & Accounts Receivable/Payable
   Pending Bill Receivable Report & Pending Bill Payable Report
   Days wise Receivable Ageing & Days wise Payable Ageing
   Trial Balance (2 Column & 6 Column)
   Net Profit, Loss and Balance Sheet
   Sales Tax: Invoice, Input Register, Input Summary (Item wise & Party wise)
   Sales Tax: Output Register, Output Summary (Item wise & Party wise), Payment/Refund Register & Challan Calculation
   F.E.D. Payment/Refund Register
   Yearly Sales Tax Summary
   Items List
   Report: Opening Stock, Purchase, Purchase Return, Sales, Sales Return, Inventory & Out.
   Cash Memo (Invoice) & Purchase Invoice
   Stock Ledger & Report
   Gross Profit/Loss
   Bill wise Gross P/L
Minimum requirements: SVGA Color 600x800, Pentium II, 64MB RAM &  100MB HDD Free Space
Hope this useful and good luck. Salam.
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