Monday, April 23, 2018

Langkah Singkat Membuat Banner Flash

Langkah Singkat Membuat Banner Flash

Sothink SWF Easy v6.6.546 Full | 50 MB
Membuat Banner Flash hanya dengan tiga langkah saja
  • Lebih dari 80 template untuk inspirasi anda. Mencakup delapan warna dan empat ukuran.
  • Lebih dari 60 efek animasi. Sesuaikan durasi efek dengan menyeret pada Timeline.
  • Friendly interface dengan searchable resource.
  • Publish animasi ke beberapa jenis media. Mudah dan cepat.
Sothink SWF Easy is a complex application which allows users to create Flash animations. Create Flash banners, greeting cards and photo albums by pre-made templates within clicks! Various of built-in resources can save your time to make excellent Flash movie. A large amount of predefined effects and Action Script 2.0 can help you achieve more advanced function. It is the fastest and easiest way to create your own Flash works professionally.
  • Rich Banner Templates : Preset plenty of colorful banner templates in different four sizes. Offer 80+ free and remarkable banner templates, which comply with general industry specs. Classified by themes, sizes and colors, you can select the desired one quickly.
  • Searchable Resource : Offer hundreds of graphic or image resources. You will get all the elements relevant to FROG if you search with the keyword FROG. Save your time to find specific elements.
  • Drawing & Editing Tools : Include drawing tools such as Line, Pencil, Pen, Oval and Rectangle and editing tools such as Transform and Reshape. Enable you to edit built-in templates or your own design.
  • Easy-to-drag Effect Bar : 60+ animated effects are available for use. One click to display and then show on timeline. You can define both the  start and the end point or effect duration by dragging and dropping.
  • Four Media Output : Export your banner into SWF, AVI & GIF as three different media types, even HTML5 animation is available. Hurry up to  create a simple HTML5 banner for your new project now.
  • Quick Code Wizard : Simply ActionScrpt commands. Define Events as release, press or rollover in a separate panel. Preset Stop and OpenURL  in Code Wizard. You can also input codes manually in blank Action panel.

visit link download

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