Learning MongoDB command on Lubuntu

If you havent install MongoDB yet, please see my previous article on how to install MongoDB on Lubuntu 16.04. In this article i will give you some guides on basic MongoDB commands, hopefully this tutorial could help someone who learn MongoDB for the first time.
Using MongoDB shell
MongoDB shell is where you can run MongoDB commands, to open MongoDB shell simply type in mongo on the command line/terminal
Showing list of databases
Once you are on MongoDB shell, you can show list of database using dbs command
show dbs
Create and use database
To create new database, you can run use command followed by the name of the database you wish to create. The same command also used to switch from one database to another, basically if the database is not exist it will create new one, if exist it will switch to that database.
use [database-name]
Example: use mydatabase
use sales
use whatever
Show list of collections
Collection in MongoDB is like table on relational database (like MySQL), in MongoDB you can show list of collections with this:
show collections
Create new collection
To create new collection in MongoDB, you can run db.createCollection() and give a string as parameter for the name of the collection.
Example: db.createCollection(users)
Insert data on MongoDB
To insert data to collection in MongoDB, you can use insert() method, of course you need to specify the which collection you wish to insert the data. Note that the data should be in JSON format.
Example: db.cars.insert({"car_name":"Mazda RX 7","color":"red","year":"2005"})
Show list of data on MongoDB
To show list of data inside a collection, you can run find() command without any parameter.
Example: db.cars.find()
Searching specific data on MongoDB
You can also search for specific data or field, the find() method can take parameter for showing specific data, heres an example:
Example: db.cars.find({color:"red"})
Update data on MongoDB
To update data on MongoDB, you can use the update method, same as insert and find, you need to specify which collection to update and the filter such as _id or other field.
db.cars.update({_id:ObjectId("id-of-the-record")}, {$set:{field_name:"value"}})
Example: db.cars.update({_id:ObjectId("59f04d6c91c36df211b24f7c")}, {$set:{color:"blue"}})
db.cars.update({_id:ObjectId("59f04d6c91c36df211b24f7c")}, {$set:{color:"blue",year:"2017"}})
db.cars.update({car_name:"BMW M3"}, {$set:{color:"blue",year:"2017"}})
Delete data on MongoDB
To delete a data on MongoDB, you can use remove() method with parameter the _id of the record you wish to delete.
Example: db.cars.remove({_id:ObjectId("59f04d6c91c36df211b24f7c")})
Those are some basic MongoDB command that you can try, for more detail you can visit MongoDB documentation/manual.
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