Saturday, May 26, 2018

1000 Apps Script As Web App

1000 Apps Script As Web App

1000 Apps Script As Web App
1. Goto menu and select Publish/Deploy as web app...
2. Click Deploy.
3. Copy the URL and access it via Web Browser.

1) Return Plain Text

function doGet(){
 textOutput = ContentService.createTextOutput("Hello World! Welcome to the web app.")
 return textOutput

2) Return JSON

function doGet(){
 var appData = {
 "heading": "Hello World!",
 "body": "Welcome to the web app."
 var JSONString = JSON.stringify(appData);
 var JSONOutput = ContentService.createTextOutput(JSONString);
 return JSONOutput

3) Return HTML

function doGet(){

var HTMLString = "<style> h1,p {font-family: Helvitica, Arial}</style>"
+ "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"
+ "<p>Welcome to the Web App";

HTMLOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(HTMLString);
return HTMLOutput

4) Return Dynamic HTML

function doGet(e){
  // use an externally hosted stylesheet
 var style = <link href="" rel="stylesheet">;
 // get the query "greeting" parameter and set the default to "Hello"
 var greeting = e.parameter.greeting || "Hello";
 // get the query "name" parameter and set the default to "World!"
 var name = || "World";
 // create and use a template
 var heading = HtmlService.createTemplate(<h1><?= greeting ?> <?= name ?>!</h1>)
 // set the template variables
 heading.greeting = greeting; = name;
 var content = "<p>Welcome to the web app.</p>";
 var HTMLOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput();
 return HTMLOutput

5) doPost processing

function doPost(e){
 // Get the "text" query string value
 // eg. &text=Your%20Name
 var name = e.parameter.text
 // Get the Chuck Norris Joke
 var chuckQuote = postChuckNorris(name);
 // Return plain text Output
 return ContentService.createTextOutput(chuckQuote);
// Make a call to the Chuck Norris joke API
// parse the JSON and return only the joke
function postChuckNorris(name){
 var queryString = makeQueryString(name)
 var chuckData = UrlFetchApp.fetch("" + queryString);
 var chuckJSON = JSON.parse(chuckData.getContentText());
 var chuckQuote = chuckJSON.value.joke;
 return chuckQuote
// Helper function to assemble the query string for
// calling the Chuck Norris API from a given name
function makeQueryString(name){
 var query = ""
 if (name !== undefined){
  var names = name.split(" ");
  query = "?firstName=" + names[0];
  if (names[1] !== undefined){
   query += &lastName= + names[1];
 return query

6) Create and Save PDF Document

function doGet(e){
link download

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